Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Quotes From The Covenant

Here are some of Toby's quotes from the movie, The Covenant!

'Sup fellas?

Had things to do.

How's the party?

Well, hell, boys. Let's drop in.

Didn't it though?

Harry Potter can kiss my ass!

Oh, you wanna stop? That'll impress Harvard.

Dreamcatcher is the shit.

Blue. Cotton.


If anyone has more quotes post a comment!

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

ON SET: The Covenant Part Two

ON SET: The Covenant! Heres Part two

The next scene that Director Renny Harlin was going to shoot he actually demonstrated to the assembled press using two water bottles. This shot, in addition to having the blue screen all around the tall rock formation, is also going to have a blue screen applied to the ground because of the way the camera is going to be moving. This is actually an earlier part of the scene described in The Covenant Set Report #1.
Set in present day New England, the film follows Caleb (Steven Strait), Reid (Toby Hemingway), Pogue (Taylor Kitsch) and Tyler (Chace Crawford). These are four friends who share supernatural powers like shapeshifting and various "feats of strength" that nobody else knows they have. However, every time one them uses their power it effects the lifespan of all of them. Soon, Chase Collins (Sebastian Stan) joins the group and it isn't long before he and Caleb are locking horns over Sarah Wenham (Laura Ramsey). With Caleb about to achieve his "full power" on his 18th birthday, he realizes that he is going to have to sacrifice everything to save what he loves.In this new shot, Pogue (Taylor Kitsch) and Caleb (Steven Strait) are both going to be descending down on the party (as was demonstrated by Harlin knocking two water bottles off his monitor). He then explained that the camera was going to be "moving the whole time" as the actors actually fall past it, and then the camera will move to where they were standing showing them now on the ground at the party. "It's incredible," says Steven Strait. "We've been working with the wires for the past two months. It's been really great." Sebastian Stan who plays Chase Collins had a different take about being lifted up and moved around by wires. "For me it was tough. I have a bit of a vertigo thing going on." The actors proceeded to talk about their roles in the movie. "Caleb has an influence over what people are going to do." Strait states. "He's trying to get a grip on this power he has no choice about having." Stan takes the same stance on his character who's motivations while seemingly similar are the polar opposite of Caleb's. "I'm the new guy who comes in. I think for me it's more about fitting in... I think it becomes about overcoming the powers to a certain extent." "All these guys are so linked together," Strait continues, "that when they use these powers they all feel it... somebody eventually falls victim to these powers and they all feel it." Strait who worked with wires on the more lighter toned film Sky High, sees the roles in both those movies as defined, to some extent, by their superpowers but they are also much different. "Sky High was much more animated... this one's not. This is about a small group of guys who share a gift that only they have. They can't explain it and if they overuse it they could all die." Stan looks at the Covenant in relation to other films as well. "I see it like The Skulls or The Lost Boys."Next we talked with the other members of The Covenant, Toby Hemingway, Taylor Kitsch and Chace Crawford. All of these actors were very effusive in discussing their characters, the film and what it's like working with director Renny Harlin."I play kind of the youngest one," states Crawford. "Who wants the power and just to be along for the ride.""I'm kind of a mix but at the same time I'm deadly serious." Offers Kitsch. "It's a bit more than jealousy with him there's a lot more going on." Hemingway makes no bones about the problems his character has with Caleb. "I butt heads with him a lot. I have a bit of an attitude. He's moody but he likes to have a good time. There's a conflict between us because we're all about to ascend (turn 18 and attain their "full power"), it's starting to get serious. I think he resents that Caleb's the leader and always taking charge."The actors then discussed the benefits of Harlin letting them perform their own stunts. "It's been a great experience." Kitsch declares. "It helps with the characters. We did a month of training." "We did all our own stunts except one." Crawford says referring to a scene in which a stunt double was employed for a motorcycle chase. "We do everything we can." says Hemingway. As for the roughest part of the shoot? "The weather," he states. When asked about working with director Renny Harlin the three actors launch into impersonations of the Finnish director. "Brilliant" the say, mimicking Harlin's pleasure at seeing something the actor might have done in a scene. They quickly follow that up with, "One more take," proving that no matter how "brilliant" something is there's always room for improvement. The actors say that Harlin is "great" and what they really love is how if they have ideas, he'll let the actors do a take their way. Working in the cold weather conditions of Montreal, with long hours for days on end, the byproduct of this seems to be that all of the actors have bonded naturally. This is something that will surely help the character's of The Covenant put that "bond" across on screen. Nothing could sum this up better than Toby Hemingway's final comment,"My favorite scenes are when we're all together."
Thanks for reading!

Questions Of The Week- Where does Toby Live now?

Where does Toby live now? I heard that he lives in New York. Also I heard he lives in England but I dont think he still lives there.
If anyone knows where Toby does live now please leave a comment! If anyone has a question that they would like to know about Toby. Send me a email with the question- and it might be the Question of the week!
Thanks for reading!

Monday, February 5, 2007

ON SET: The Covenant Part One

Heres some information you might not know about The Covenant!

"Whose hand haven't I shaken?" asked Director Renny Harlin (Exorcist: The Beginning) as the press descended on the set of his newest film The Covenant. MovieWeb had the pleasure of being flown out to Montreal, Quebec to observe the going's on of Harlin's newest cinematic offering. In a warehouse doubling as a movie set, the first thing I noticed right away was the life-size barn set that greeted me the moment I stepped inside. Filled with old carriages, various "barn equipment" and styrofoam/break away walls, it will be interesting to see how this set looks when Harlin and Co. get done with it. After this Harlin greeted the rest of the press and broke down the following spectacle behind us. Aside from there being an enormous blue screen, there was also a very tall rocklike formation. He explains that the main characters of the movie see a party going on below "and they decide to join it." He further explains that he isn't using stunt doubles for these particular scenes, and that the actors are rigged by the same wiring system used in Cirque Du Solei. In this shot, three of the main actors are already at the party and their leader, Caleb (Steven Strait), swoops down to join them. Each time Strait comes in, he walks to the front of the group and instead of yelling cut when the scene is done Harlin offers a "Yeah baby" or "Yeah, superheroes... cool," from his "voice of God" sound system behind the monitors. Set in present day New England, the film follows Caleb (Strait), Reid (Toby Hemingway), Pogue (Taylor Kitsch) and Tyler (Chace Crawford). These are four friends who share supernatural powers like shapeshifting and various "feats of strength" that nobody else knows they have. However, every time one of them uses their power it effects the lifespan of all of them. Soon, Chase Collins (Sebastian Stan) joins the group and it isn't long before he and Caleb are locking horns over Sarah Wenham (Laura Ramsey). With Caleb about to achieve his "full power" on his 18th birthday, he comes to realize that he is going to have to sacrifice everything to save what he loves."We see 240 degrees," states Director or Photography Pierre Gill. "We're using a wide lense so we'll see everything very wide.""It's the opening scene of the movie," continues Harlin. "The sky will be stormy there will be a 200 foot drop!"When asked about the challenges of filmmaking Harlin seems to dismiss that idea entirely. "It's fun. I've done it for so many years... I can imagine anything. If we have the money I can do it. I have to pinch myself sometimes. Not only do people let me do this, they pay me to do this." He also spoke about doing different kinds of films. "I wouldn't mind at all doing a comedy. Yesterday we did a scene in the mansion which was all about the actors." On this note he discussed the kind people he was looking for to play the 5 main male characters in the movie. "I was look for 5 guys who would be believable as people who come from settlers of a wealthy, blue blood community. I didn't want somebody famous because that would ruin the surprise. It's important that they are different types." "It's by far the most beautiful looking movie I've ever made." Harlin declared. "There's no color in it. The film style is very deliberate. We make the audience take a certain point of view. I think the results are very beautiful and not style for style's sake." Gill echoed Harlin's thoughts about the look of The Covenant. "I think we're making something that's very elegant. The room's we shoot in become part of the action. The filmic style is very important and it's also important to have different, interesting angles. It's scary but it's not like a horror movie." "Nowadays movies are very fast. We feel that ours is the opposite. It's more deliberate. There's still a lot of angles but not really a bunch of coverage." Harlin says. The Covenant will also be PG-13 and according to the director there's "no blood" and it's "not about scaring people. It's really funny because you don't have to deal with blood in it." In continuing to dissect the film Harlin thinks the hardest part is keeping up with moviegoer's fickle tastes. "Today's audience is so much more sophisticated. A movie that once had 350 cuts might have 3,000 today! You have to do so much more because they have seen everything."The fact that The Covenant focuses on young kids and also happens to take place at a school, will no doubt draw comparisons to another popular adolescent with special powers who happens to attend a prep school. "I look at this as Harry Potter grown up." Harlin states. "It's for those people that maybe think that that is kid's stuff."Lastly, the director discussed his reasons for wanting to bring The Covenant to the big screen. "It dealt with young people. Young people on the verge of adulthood. We could take the New England wealthy world and make it our own." He then discussed some of the influences on the film. "Kubrick movies... their style of framing and conversations. I don't want this film to ever feel like a typical teen movie." Harlin even brought up one of the most seminal movies of this genre. "The Lost Boys was almost 20 years ago but it was a hip, cool movie. Instead of vampires we have warlocks. Our movie is more serious than that. It doesn't really have the same comedic moments."With horror films proving themselves to be the one certainty in an often uncertain business, The Covenant, with it's fresh take on older material should be a very entertaining and suspenseful viewing experience. In fact, just watching the scene of Steven Strait's character coming down to join his friends, one can already see the strong visual ideas at work in the film. When you consider that this was observed in it's rawest form (with wires carrying the actors, a rock formation doubling for an even larger cliff and a massive blue screen all around it), one can only imagine how it will look when all the special FX are finally added to the film.

Tomorrow I will post ON SET: The Covenant Part two!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

More Information About The Feast Of Love

I found a little more information about The Feast Of Love!

Jane Alexander, Alexa Davalos, Toby Hemingway, Selma Blair, Stana Katic, Billy Burke, Fred Ward and Erika Marozsan are all starring in Robert Benton's The Feast of Love for Lakeshore Entertainment. Morgan Freeman, Greg Kinnear and Radha Mitchell already have boarded the film, based on Charles Baxter's acclaimed novel. The film reteams Alexander with Benton, who directed the four-time Oscar nominee in Kramer vs. Kramer. She will play Esther, the wife of Freeman's character. Davalos will play the lead role of Chloe, a sensual free spirit who comes into the lives of a group of friends in suburban Oregon and changes them in unexpected ways. Hemingway will play her boyfriend, Oscar.

I cannot wait until this movie comes out!! Remember it comes out Septemeber 24th, 2007.

Thanks for reading!

Favorite Picture Of The Week

Another picture of our sexy Toby Hemingway! I love this picture. This is the scene in The Covenant when there in Nicky's and Pouge, Reid, and Tyler are betting on what color those girls underwear are.

Hope everyone likes this picture. If you have a picture of Toby you love send me it- It could be the Favorite Picture Of The Week!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Toby Hemingway Fans on Myspace!

Toby Hemingway Fans is now on Myspace! We are still working on it so it doesn't look that great yet but feel free to add us! We have videos and pictures of Toby already up! Hope everyone enjoys it! and heres the link:

By the way today at 11AM Pacific there is going to be a scheduled outage so blogger will be off for 10 minutes.

Thanks for reading!